Thursday, July 23, 2009

Haircut Shmaircut

I just cut Middle Child's hair. She loves it, I hate it. But then, I knew I was going to hate it before I did it, and because I believe that a large part of parenting is choosing your battles, I weighed it out against all the OTHER things she's asked for this summer. There were several skirmishes I've already fought, against things I hate even more...

Like fake red hair...

...and corset tops...

...and piercings...

...and tattoos.

I figured, in the grand scheme of things, that this was not so bad... long as she promises to pin it out of her eyes upon request, on threat of Betty Page bangs.

(She knows I'll do it, too.)


Sarah Nadine said...

Corset tops?! haha I LOVE those!! I don't even have what it takes to make those look sexy, but I love them!! haha

Things I May Regret Writing said...

Oh my God, her hair is super cute! Why do you hate it? I love the side swept bangs!

amy said...

Regarding corset tops, I explained to her that if a garment looks like it might be given as a gift at a bachelorette party, she's not wearing it.

As to the hair... side swept bangs are all fun and games until you're trying to communicate with the surly teen hiding behind them. ;o)